[ March 8, 2021 by heteco2010 33 Comments ]

Happy international women’s day, but why?

An invitation is extended to put consumption aside and improve around the position and treatment that we give to the woman in our lives. There are things that money cannot buy; for example, respect and dignity, just what the ladies of the world need.

For a few decades, on March 8, 1975, the United Nations celebrated International Women’s Day for the first time. In Colombia, more than a commemoration is a celebration, a high percentage of the population does not know why the date was established and while in many countries women march with the aim of enforcing their rights, in our territory society does not stop to consume.

Before, women had their rights violated, but it was on March 8, 1857, when a group of textile workers made the decision to take the streets of New York to protest the miserable conditions in which they worked. During that strike, more than a hundred women were burned to death at a Sirtwoot Cotton factory, in a fire attributed to the factory owner in response to the strike. Then, on March 5, 1908, New York was the scene of a strike again, as a group of women demanded equal pay, reduction of the working day to ten hours and time to feed their children.

In 1910, more than 100 women in Denmark approved declaring March 8 as International Working Women’s Day, where they claimed the right to vote, the right to hold public office, the right to professional training, the right to work and employment and non-discrimination for the mere fact of being a woman. It should be noted that while they claimed the above, men already enjoyed those benefits.

However, in Colombia the salary difference by gender amounted to 14.3% in 2013, which increased to 30% in relation to employees of services, technicians, managers and the commercial sector. The above in the best scenario, because if the salary of professional men is compared with that of women in the same conditions, the difference is 29%; that is, in many cases if a man earns 250€, a woman receives 180€ for doing the same.

Despite the above, there is evidence of an increase in the participation of women in the world of work; According to recent data, it rose from 19% in 1950 to 37% in 1982, and by 2004, female participation equaled that of male, this being one of the highest in Latin America. Although, the average number of hours that women work has also increased, we went from an average of 185 to 197 hours, 12 more per month than 20 years ago. Unfortunately, the wage gap can lead to infer that this ostensible change is the product of wage savings for many employers.

Reviewing other aspects, it is also worth noting that the figures for gender abuse in Colombia are not encouraging at all. Between 2015 and 2016, there were 24,819 cases of sexual abuse, 1,210 of sexual harassment, 68,031 of physical violence and 9,052 of psychological violence. When adding up these figures to obtain a daily average, it can be said that in Colombia, 282 women are mistreated per day or, what is worse, eleven every hour. In short, we live in a country that, just as in politics, is double moralistic, it also seems to be with women. Finally, if there is someone who does not owe his life to a woman to raise hands, why then the rates of inequality and abuse are so alarming?

An invitation is extended to put consumption aside and improve around the position and treatment that we give to the woman in our lives. There are things that money cannot buy; for example, respect and dignity, just what the ladies of the world need. It ends by saying that Women’s Day is commemorated on March 8, because it was a day like today that hundreds of women got tired of being run over and took the streets leaving everything, many even their lives to enforce their rights.

Fun facts

This date does not recall one particular event, but several: the death of 140 women workers in a factory in New York, the protests of the workers for better working conditions and the demonstrations of the suffragettes, among others.

Policarpa Salavarrieta fought in wars to show that women were subjects of rights and duties in the same way as men of the time, however, this did not become so evident until 1957 and after a plebiscite, that women achieved the vote in Colombia, this being one of the last countries in Latin America to do so.

In 1910, the Socialist International, meeting in Copenhagen, proclaimed International Women’s Day as a tribute to the movement for women’s rights and to help achieve universal suffrage for women.

Approximately one in five women in the world reports having been sexually abused before the age of 15.

For every dollar a man earns in the United States, a woman earns 77 cents.


  1. http://www.juntadeandalucia.es/averroes/centros-tic/04005041/helvia/sitio/upload/DIA_INTERNACIONAL_DE_LA_MUJER_TRABAJADORA.pdf
AboutHernán Tena Cortés
BA. MA. | Docente de Inglés, autor de Entre Columnas, miembro de la Asoc. de Prof. en Pedagogía Social de UK y de la Asociación de Traductores de Irlanda. Aspirante a título de Doctor en Pensamiento Complejo.
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Comments [33]

  1. Fabián Ossa Cairasco
    March 8, 2021

    Que ps que el día de la mujer es muy importante para todos los ciudadanos por que es el día de todas la mujeres feliz dia para todas ellas

      March 9, 2021

      Quemaron una fábrica donde estaban muchas mujeres
      Donde estaban pidiendo igualdad de género
      Obreras de la industrial textil de estados unidos en 1857

    • Porque las mujeres somos muy gereras y nos merecemos lo mejor pero no todo lo mejor porque los hombres también merecen algo

  2. Yo op que quien es feminista y no es de izquierdas carece de estrategia porque quien es de izquierdas no es feminista .

    March 9, 2021

    Quemaron una fábrica donde estaban muchas mujeres
    Donde estaban pidiendo igualdad de género
    Obreras de la industrial textil de estados unidos en 1857

    • Jhon stiven velasquez herrera
      March 10, 2021

      Es el dia en el que debemos de reconocer que las mujeres son muy guerrera y valientes que lucharin por su derecho de igualdad pero nuestra humanidad es tan cruel que incendiaron una fabrica donde habían muchas obreras velando por sus derechos

  4. Samuel Hernandez
    March 9, 2021

    Día en el cual las mujeres pidieron igualdad de género y la reacción del dueño de esta fábrica textil fue cerrar y quemar la fábrica con ellas adentro

  5. Diego Alejandro Suarez Vega
    March 12, 2021

    Reflection on international women’s day:
    Despite the significant progress humanity has made in gender equality, there are still a number of challenges to face and many vices and prejudices to eradicate. It is not about being equal, clearly we are not, but that we all have the same rights, they deserve and have the same right as men, they give us life that is why we have to love, care for, love, respect and help because without them we would not exist that is why on March 8, 1975 the United Nations celebrated International Women’s Day for the first time so that they see the equality that we all have, women must be honored every day of their lives and we must improve the treatment we give to women in our lives. Just what the ladies of the world need.
    Soy: Diego Alejandro Suarez Vega 6A del Colegio Nueva Granada

  6. Kevin alejandro
    March 12, 2021

    Día en el cual las mujeres pidieron igualdad de género y la reacción del dueño de esta fábrica textil fue cerrar y quemar la fábrica con ellas adentro

  7. Kevin alejandro
    March 12, 2021

    Día en el cual las mujeres pidieron igualdad de género y la reacción del dueño de esta fábrica textil fue cerrar y quemar la fábrica con ellas adentro..

  8. Kevin alejandro
    March 12, 2021

    Día en el cual las mujeres pidieron igualdad de género y la reacción del dueño de esta fábrica textil fue cerrar y quemar la fábrica con ellas adentro….

  9. Kevin alejandro
    March 12, 2021

    Día en el cual las mujeres pidieron igualdad de género y la reacción del dueño de esta fábrica textil fue cerrar y quemar la fábrica con ellas adentro…

  10. Nathalie Martínez Patiño 6b
    March 12, 2021

    El día de la mujer es más bien un día triste porque murieron muchas mujeres por querer hacer valer sus derechos

  11. Miguel Angel Sanchez Riobo 6B
    March 12, 2021

    March 8, the day that women’s day is selected worldwide, it also remembers those women who died for demanding gender equality.

  12. John deiby Gonzalez Marquez
    March 12, 2021

    Women’s day is very important because
    They fought for equality and thus assert their rights

  13. lina marcela ocampo grajales
    March 12, 2021

    que bueno es saber que gracias a todo esto que paso hoy en dia le dan mas derechos y beneficios a las mujeres

  14. Isabella ballesteros ramirez 6a
    March 12, 2021

    Buenos dias .el dia de la mujer par mi es todos los dias…pero es bueno saber que lo.festejan con una fecha especial.por que las.mujeres somos unicas y especiales.

  15. favian andres lazaro rivera
    March 12, 2021


  16. Brigny Valeria Correa Romero 8B
    March 12, 2021

    el dia de la mujer es un dia donde nosotras nos sentimos orgullosas de nuetro genero la felicidad de cada sonrisa de toda mujeres incomparable ya que estamos sacando adelante esas mujeres que an sido violadas asesinadas maltratadas nuestros derechos son pisotiados pero nosotras sacamos las garras para peliar por ellos cada dia por eso cuando veamos a una mujer velar por nuestros derechos apoyemos la por que todas juntas podemos acabar con la discriminacion hacia las mujeres.
    Women’s Day is a day where we feel proud of our generation the happiness of every smile of all incomparable women since we are bringing forward those women who have been raped murdered mistreated our rights are trampled but we take out our claws to fight for them every day that’s why when we see a woman watch over our rights, let’s support why all of us together can end discrimination against women

  17. Liseth Daniela giraldo
    March 13, 2021

    Que nosotras por ser solo mujeres no podemos tener cargos importantes como la que tienen los hombres ….

  18. James Andres urra perez 7 b
    March 15, 2021

    Que el día de la mujer es muy importante para todas ellas las más hermosas de la tierra, gracias ala mujer existimos ya que ella nos dio la vida,

  19. Valentina gañan 8a
    March 15, 2021

    women we are warriors we are unique we fight and we fight for what we want

  20. Johan estiven Giraldo 8b
    March 16, 2021

    El día de la mujer es muy especial para ellas ya q en ese día , hay q apreciarlas y saber q gracias a ellas nosotros vivimos

    • Johan estiven Giraldo 8b
      March 16, 2021

      El día de la mujer es muy especial para ellas , hay q apreciarlas y saber q gracias a ellas nosotros vivimos

    March 17, 2021

    Beyond celebrating the qualities of women, International Women’s Day is a day for all of us to be aware of the situations around us and actively get involved in creating a world and a fairer environment

  22. Yenni Katherine Valencia, 8B
    March 17, 2021

    In addition to celebrating the qualities of women, International Women’s Day is a day for all of us to be aware of the constitutions that are lived around us and actively engage in creating a world and a fairer environment

  23. Camilo pino Valencia - grado 7; b
    March 17, 2021

    Hay q cuidar las mujeres por q son las q nos dan la vida ,el amor . Son el apoyo bienestar y espiritual de cada hombre .las mujeres es la dulsura de cada hogar . Q Dios las bendiga.

  24. Nasly dahiana
    March 17, 2021

    El día de la mujer es importante reconocer por que es el día en que muchas mujeres murieron en una fábrica y para celebrar el esfuerzo que ellas hacen por nosotros.

  25. luis felipe villaneda aricapa
    March 19, 2021

    el dia de la mujer es muy importante porque se realiza una paz como para ellas

  26. March 19, 2021

    that women are very important because they are the ones that made us give our lives to men

  27. International Women’s Day
    What I think about reading is that thanks to those brave women, today the rights of women are fulfilled, that because we are women does not mean that they are garish being a woman is a very difficult position because there are women who have to fight everything for their children They do not expect anything in return and yet they give us the best of them even if they are very tired they have time for us or us, that is why it is unfair that in those times women did not have what they deserved, because thanks to them we are in this world, they adorn the streets with their fashion and their way of being and thanks to them we have never lacked anything

  28. Brahian Stiven Pérez García
    March 25, 2021

    Las mujeres son muy valiosa y hay que cuidarlas y valorarlas y no hacerles daño por qué gracias a ellas los hombres se complementan


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